Friday, May 20, 2011

Congratulations new graduate: Jesica Orozco!

A big shout out to Jesica who will be starting her new job on Monday May 23 with Catholic Family & Child Services in Yakima, WA as the ILS (Independent Living Skills) Trainer.  Best of luck!

Graduation date:  May 8, 2011
School:  Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
Degree:  Bachelor of Science, Major:  Psychology
Main job responsibility:  Helping foster teens transition smoothly out of the foster program into independent life.
Tips to get an internship or a job:  Prior to receiving an opportunity for employment or an internship make sure to follow these tips:
1.Networking is essential. Introduce yourself to people who are in positions that you are interested in. You never know who may be the one to aid in the process of securing a placement.
2. Community Service is a great way to gain experience without having employment.
3. Utilize your career center. They have many programs you may not be aware of.
In an interview:
1. Be prepared! Makes sure to review the job or internship duties and think of instances in which you have performed those duties.
2. Dress in proper attire. First impressions are key. Smile and have a firm hand shake when introducing yourself.
3. Emphasize your skills and encorporate any accomplishments that are relevant to the job duties.
4. Be yourself. Be confident, you have many amazing skills to offer.
5. DO NOT lie. If you you come across a question you do not understand, ask the interviewer to clarify or simply state you are not experienced in that area, but would love the opportunity to learn.
5. Thank the interviewer when leaving and ask for a time frame in which you will hear a response. Follow up with a thank you note and reaffirm your interest in the agency.
Anything you want to share:
Never allow anyone to discourage you from your dreams. Nothing is easy, but with hard work and dedication you can achieve greatness. Be strong, stick through the tough times, but know when to ask for help. There are many people in the world who would love to help you succeed.  Always remember:  "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm Possible!" -Audrey Hepburn

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